Chair of Training Committee
Patrick McCann (Linklaters LLP)
20/05/2022 - If you couldn't attend the CLLS Training Committee’s webinar on coaching & mentoring in City law firms last week, here is a summary of the key discussions, themes and takeaways.
31/08/2021 - CLLS Training Committee - Vacancies
03/02/2021 - Book now for our Training Committee Workshop: Now & Navigating the Return on 26th February 2021
18/08/2020 - CLLS Training Committee - L & D in Turbulent Times - Survey Insights from CLLS Member Firms' Learning & Development Teams
17/08/2020 - CLLS Training Committee Vacancy - deadline extended to 1st September 2020
05/08/2020 - CLLS Training Committee Summer Workshop - City Law Firm L&D in Turbulent Times - Slidedeck
07/12/2018 - CLLS Training Committee - Note on Degree or equivalent route to becoming a solicitor
CLLS Training Committee - Note on Degree or equivalent route to becoming a solicitor
07/12/2018 - CLLS Training Committee - Note on SQE Authorisation of Individuals Regulations
CLLS Training Committee - Note on SQE Authorisation of Individuals Regulations
29/10/2018 - Minutes of CLLS Training Committee meeting with the SRA
Minutes of Training Committee meeting with the SRA
17/10/2018 - Training Committee - Timing of the SQE Stage 2 Examination
CLLS Training Committee letter to SRA on the Timing of the SQE Stage 2 Examination
22/09/2018 - CLLS Workshop Future City Lawyer 210918
Slides from CLLS Seminar held on 21st September 2018
28/02/2018 - Solicitors Qualifying Examination - submission on amendments to SQE
Training Committee submission to the Legal Services Board on the SRA’s application for the approval of amendments to its regulatory arrangements in respect of the introduction of the Solicitors Qualifying Examination
20/12/2017 - Training Committee Response to SRA Consultation: Looking to the Future: Phase II of the Handbook Reforms
26/07/2017 - Training Committee Response to the SRA Consultation: A New Route to Qualification: New Regulations
09/01/2017 - CLLS Training Committee Response to SRA Consultation - Solicitors Qualifying Examination 09 01 17
30/11/2016 - CLLS Training Committee - Notes of open meeting for CLLS members on SRA's second consultation on a new route to qualification.
04/03/2016 - Response to the SRA's Consultation on Assessing Competence
02/12/2015 - Slides from SRA Presentation at a CLLS Training Committee Meeting in October 2015
15/06/2015 - CLLS Training Committee Response to SRA Consultation on the SRA Regulatory Reform Programme
27/01/2015 - Response to the SRA’s Consultation: “Training for Tomorrow”: A Competence Statement for Solicitors
19/11/2014 - Response to the SRA Red Tape Initiative - Phase 3: Changes to the SRA's Education and Training Regulations
07/04/2014 - Training for Tomorrow - A New Approach to Continuing Competence
07/04/2014 - Training for Tomorrow - A New Approach to Continuing Competence – cover letter for submission
In general terms, the covering letter for the submission welcomed the plan to allow individual solicitors and the regulated entities for which they work the freedom to determine the right way to ensure "continuing competence". The letter went on to note that while there was not unanimity of view across the CLLS on the issue of mandatory Hours, on balance the Committee supported the SRA's plan to drop that requirement “as doing any fixed number of Hours is not of itself a way to guarantee competence”. It noted that “[t]he new regime should give the profession the flexibility to decide how to ensure competence while being structured and monitored in a way which ensures compliance.” It also noted that a number of issues needed also to be addressed, including what standard is being applied when determining "competence", the need for Indicative Behaviours to guide individual solicitors as to what they could or should do, and the importance that the new scheme not be seen as “voluntary”. It cautioned that change is needed to make the current scheme more effective, but that care is needed if the new regime is to ensure that the collective competence of the profession continues to be enhanced.
26/02/2014 - Response to the SRA's Consultation Paper "Training for Tomorrow: Regulation Review"
The consultation paper set out the SRA’s proposals to change the current education and training framework by “remov[ing] unnecessary regulatory burdens and improve[ing] processes.” The Committee responded in detail to the consultation, and raised general concerns about the SRA’s apparent intention to place obligations on training providers, law firms and so on (rather than the SRA itself directly regulating “quality”), as well as the potentially far-reaching consequences of some of the new regulatory proposals contained in the consultation paper.
19/12/2013 - Response to LSB consultation on Increasing flexibility in legal education and training: Consultation on proposals for draft statutory guidance to be issued under section 162 of the Legal Services Act 2007
The consultation concerned statutory guidance (based around five outcomes) that the LSB proposes to issue to all approved regulators. The Committee’s response raised a number of concerns with the LSB’s paper and in conclusion stated that “It will be clear that we have extremely serious reservations about the Consultation Paper. We do not accept that there needs to be statutory guidance. If there is to be guidance it has to be well thought out, based on evidence (not prejudice) and coherent and realistic. We would have thought the current Consultation Paper should be withdrawn.”
09/12/2013 - SRA Slides from a Meeting with the CLLS Training Committee on 15th November 2013
25/02/2013 - Response to SRA consultation, Red Tape Initiative: Removing unnecessary
Response to SRA consultation, Red Tape Initiative: Removing unnecessary regulations and simplifying processes
08/11/2012 - Response to the LETR Discussion Paper 02/2012: Key Issues II: Developing the
Response to the LETR Discussion Paper 02/2012: Key Issues II: Developing the Detail
10/09/2012 - Response to Richard Review of Apprenticeships Call for Evidence
Response to Richard Review of Apprenticeships Call for Evidence
03/07/2012 - Response to LETR Discussion Paper 02/2011: Equality, diversity and social
Response to LETR Discussion Paper 02/2011: Equality, diversity and social mobility issues affecting education and training in the legal services sector
01/06/2012 - Response to LSB 'Approaches to quality' consultation
Response to LSB 'Approaches to quality' consultation
10/05/2012 - Response to the Call for Evidence by the Executive of the Legal Education
Response to the Call for Evidence by the Executive of the Legal Education and Training Review
02/04/2012 - LETR Selective Comparison Paper
LETR Selective Comparison Paper
28/02/2012 - CLLS paper on the Legal Education & Training Review prepared by the CLLS
CLLS paper on the Legal Education & Training Review prepared by the CLLS Training Committee, chaired by Tony King. The purpose of the paper is to draw out those features that we believe are significant influences on the success of the City firms.
26/10/2011 - Legal Education and Training Review Consultation Steering Panel Discussion Paper
Legal Education and Training Review Consultation Steering Panel Discussion Paper 01/2011: Project scope, research questions and assumptions (referred to in briefing note on Joint Review)
26/10/2011 - Briefing Note prepared by the Training Committee on the Joint Legal Education
Briefing Note prepared by the Training Committee on the Joint Legal Education & Training Review of the SRA, the Bar Standards Board and ILEX Professional Standards
12/10/2011 - UKCLE Research Consortium PowerPoint presentation: “LETR: Research team
UKCLE Research Consortium PowerPoint presentation: “LETR: Research team and research processes” (referred to in briefing note on Joint Review)
01/08/2011 - Response to the SRA consultation “Realignment of the Higher Rights of Audience
Response to the SRA consultation “Realignment of the Higher Rights of Audience Regulations in relation to higher rights of audience and the aims of the Qualified Lawyers Transfer Scheme”
21/09/2009 - Response to the SRA discussion paper on
Response to the SRA discussion paper on "An Agenda for Quality"
09/12/2008 - Qualifying Lawyers Transfer Test - Update on Consultation and Open Meeting
Qualifying Lawyers Transfer Test - Update on Consultation and Open Meeting
30/04/2008 - Response to SRA Consultation on Requirements for Lawyers Qualifying as Solicitor
Response to SRA Consultation on Requirements for Lawyers Qualifying as Solicitors in England & Wales
29/10/2007 - Response to SRA Consultation on Work Based Learning
Response to SRA Consultation on Work Based Learning
29/10/2007 - Response to Consultation on Changes to the LPC Structure
Response to Consultation on Changes to the LPC Structure