
Corporate Membership

Corporate Membership of the Society is open to all firms with an office located in the City of London or Canary Wharf.  Corporate Membership provides firms with Member benefits for all their English- and Welsh-qualified solicitors and Registered Foreign Lawyers (RFLs) practising from their qualifying address.  The annual subscription rate is £2,000 per firm plus £27 for each English- or Welsh-qualified solicitor and RFL practising from the qualifying address.  For more information about Corporate Membership please contact

Full Membership

Full Membership of the Society is open to solicitors who are not with a Corporate Member firm but who practise, or who have previously practised, within one mile of the Bank of England.  The annual Full Membership fee is £160.

Freedom of the City of London Solicitors' Company

An alternative to Full Membership of the City of London Law Society for solicitors who practise, or who have previously practised, in the City of London is to apply for admission to the Freedom of the City of London Solicitors' Company (“the Company”) at an annual cost of £250. Freemen of the Company enjoy the rights of Full Members of the City of London Law Society in addition to the rights inherent to the Freedom itself. They are encouraged to attend an Admission Ceremony. They may then apply for admission to the Freedom of the City of London and thereafter for admission to the Company Livery.  For more information about the Freedom of the Company please contact

Affiliate Membership

Affiliate Membership of the Society is open to those who are interested in participating in the Society's activities but are not eligible for Full Membership. We welcome, for example, lawyers qualified outside England and Wales who do not work at a corporate member firm, the judiciary, barristers, Fellows of the Institute of Legal Executives and legal academics. Affiliate Members must normally work in the City of London, although solicitors and lawyers whose place of work is outside the City are also eligible to join as Affiliate Members if approved by the Society’s Committee. Affiliate Membership of the City of London Law Society is currently £160 per year.

Associate Membership

Associate Membership at a discounted rate of £20 per year is available to those who are currently training as solicitors within the City. For further information and to request an application form please contact giving your name, your firm and your address or DX number.

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