Consultations & Responses

  • 13/09/2023 CLLS Law Soc response FRC Corporate Governance Code Questions Final - 13 09 23 » more
  • 25/08/2023 Company Law Committee - Smarter Regulation Non-financial Reporting Review - call for evidence 16 08 23 » more
  • 22/07/2023 Reveneue Law Committee - Stamp duty consultation 22 06 23 » more
  • 21/07/2023 PCP 2023 - 1 Response to review of Rule 21 restrictions on frustrating actions and other matters 21 07 23 » more
  • 28/06/2023 FCA CP 23.10 CLLSLS Response » more
  • 23/06/2023 Revenue Law Committee response - stamp consultation - 22 06 23 » more
  • 22/06/2023 Reveneue Law Committee - Stamp duty consultation 22 06 23 » more
  • 21/06/2023 CLLS Insolvency Law Committee response to tax avoidance consultation - 22 06 23 » more
  • 09/06/2023 CLLS Paper Identity Doctrine Reform » more
  • 05/05/2023 Joint Law Society and CLLS comments - Amendments to the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Bill - HxL - 05 05 23 » more
  • 03/05/2023 CLLS response to the government's payment practices consultation - 21-4-23 » more
  • 25/04/2023 Financial Law Committee - CLLS letter prospectus regime - 18 04 2023 » more
  • 09/03/2023 CLLS response to CMA Horizontal Guidance consultation 8 March 2023 » more
  • 27/02/2023 An evening with the UK ICO event paper » more
  • 24/02/2023 CLLS Submission re ISU Consultation - 24 Feb 2023 » more
  • 09/02/2023 CLLS Reg Law Committee - Response on CP22-27 - Introducing a gateway for firms who approve financial promotions » more
  • 03/02/2023 CLLS CLC response to FRC consultation in respect of the Draft Minimum Standard for Audit Committees - 03 02 23 » more
  • 25/01/2023 Digital assets - CLLS Final Evidence to HL Committee on the Electronic Trade Documents Bill » more
  • 17/01/2023 PCP 2022-4 - Final - Miscellaneous Code Amendments » more
  • 17/01/2023 PCP 2022-3 - Final - The Offer Timetable in a Competitive Situation » more
  • 15/11/2022 Consultation - UK Jurisdiction Taskforce on issuance and transfer of digital securities under English private law - 28 10 22 » more
  • 15/11/2022 CLLS Company Law Committee - Response on the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Bill 2022 » more
  • 15/11/2022 CLLS Company Law Committee response to Law Commission Consultation on digital assets - 04 11 22 » more
  • 04/11/2022 Securities -Response of the City of London Law Society Final » more
  • 04/11/2022 Law Commission Consultation FINAL 4 November 2022 » more
  • 04/11/2022 Financial Law Committee - Financial collateral - concept of provision 04 11 22 » more
  • 04/11/2022 CLLS Insolvency Committee response to Law Commission - 04 11 22 » more
  • 26/10/2022 CLLS and Law Society E-signatures paper - October 2022 » more
  • 26/10/2022 Agenda item 6.1 Electronic Signatures Document - Comparison with 2016 document - 02 10 2022 » more
  • 06/10/2022 CLLS Litigation Committee Response to MoJ mediation consultation paper 4 - 06 10 22 » more
  • 30/09/2022 CLLS Land Law Committee Form of Overseas Legal Opinion on Transactions relating to real property in England and Wales » more
  • 30/09/2022 CLLS Land Law Committee Form of Overseas Legal Opinion on Transactions relating to real property in England and Wales » more
  • 28/09/2022 CLLS Response to UNCITRAL Model Laws of Insolvency Consultation - 28 09 22 » more
  • 23/09/2022 PCP 2022-2 - Final JWG response » more
  • 09/09/2022 CLLS Response_ FCA DP 22_2 » more
  • 24/08/2022 Short-Form-Report-on-title-12-03-2018 amended 23 08 22 and 22/08/2022 » more
  • 22/08/2022 CLLS Land Law Committee Certificate of Title and Notes to users 23 -08- 22 » more
  • 02/08/2022 CLLS Insolvency Committee Response to HM Treasury's Consultation “Managing the failure of systemic digital settlement asset (including stablecoin) firms” » more
  • 16/07/2022 31 05 2021 - Letter from HMT re Brexit onshoring re CSDR » more
  • 15/06/2022 CLLS Guidance for Borrower reporting » more
  • 20/05/2022 If you couldn't attend the CLLS Training Committee’s webinar on coaching & mentoring in City law firms last week, here is a summary of the key discussions, themes and takeaways. » more
  • 17/05/2022 CLLS statement on share security BEIS comments » more
  • 17/05/2022 CLLS statement on share security BEIS comments » more
  • 17/05/2022 CLLS statement on share security BEIS comments » more
  • 17/05/2022 CLLS statement on share security BEIS comments » more
  • 22/03/2022 PCP 2022-1 - Removal of restriction on anonymous order book dealings » more
  • 21/03/2022 Company Law Committee - PCP 2021-1 Miscellaneous Code amendments » more
  • 21/02/2022 CLLS response to CJC consultation on pre-action protocols 20 01 2022 » more
  • 12/01/2022 Response to consultation on “Corporate Redomiciliation” » more
  • 12/01/2022 Corporate re-domiciliation consultation on government proposals - 07 01 22 » more
  • 01/12/2021 Response to Consultation on Making Flexible Working the Default - 01-12--21 » more
  • 18/11/2021 CLLS LS Response UK Secondary Capital Raising Review 16 11 21 » more
  • 29/10/2021 Response to The Pensions Regulator's consultation on Strengthening The Pensions Regulators Powers_ Contribution Notice and Information Gathering » more
  • 24/10/2021 CLLS Response FCA CP 21 24 » more
  • 22/10/2021 CLLS LS Response HMT Prospectus Consultation - 24.09 » more
  • 07/10/2021 Response to Law Commission Consultation Paper - Digital assets: electronic trade documents » more
  • 07/10/2021 Response to the Law Commission Consultation on 14th Programme of Law Reform – proposal regarding deeds and variations of contracts » more
  • 01/10/2021 Reforming Competition and Consumer Policy Consultation CLLS Response 1 October 2021 » more
  • 01/10/2021 Annex 1 -Duration of CA98 administrative and appeal proceedings - months » more
  • 01/10/2021 Annex 2 Chart - UK infringements - months » more
  • 21/09/2021 Joint CLLS/Law Society response to National Security and Investment Act 2021 » more
  • 21/09/2021 Response to the Law Commission’s Discussion Paper on Corporate Criminal Liability » more
  • 21/09/2021 Response to FCA CP21/18: Climate related disclosures by standard listed companies » more
  • 21/09/2021 Response to CP 21/21 Primary Markets Effectiveness Review » more
  • 18/09/2021 CLLS Reg Law Comm - Final response to FCA CP on statutory notices » more
  • 31/08/2021 CLLS Training Committee - Vacancies » more
  • 27/08/2021 CLLS LS response HMT Consultation Power to block listings » more
  • 17/08/2021 CLLS response to insurers consultation 12 08 21 » more
  • 13/08/2021 Digital Assets - The Limits of the Concept of Possession - 13 08 21 » more
  • 02/08/2021 CLLS Reg Law Comm - Final response to Law Commission 14th Work Programme » more
  • 28/07/2021 CLLS Reg Law Comm - Final response to HMT on FPO order » more
  • 26/07/2021 FCA Consultation Paper – A new Consumer Duty - 26 -07 21 » more
  • 22/07/2021 Regulatory Law Committee's response to HM Treasury consultation on non-transferable debt securities » more
  • 20/07/2021 Committees response to Law Commissions consultation on Generating ideas for the Law Commissions 14th Programme of law reform Commercial Leasehold » more
  • 13/07/2021 Response to FCA Discussion Paper (DP21/1) 'Strengthening our financial promotion rules for high-risk investments and firms approving financial promotions' » more
  • 08/07/2021 CLLS and Law Soc response to BEIS white paper final - 08 07 21 » more
  • 28/06/2021 Cash confirmation note final with CLLS coversheet - 28 06 21 » more
  • 28/06/2021 Further terms final with CLLS coversheet - 20 06 2021 » more
  • 28/06/2021 Offer conditions - final with CLLS coversheet » more
  • 28/06/2021 Acceleration statement wording final with CLLS coversheet - 28 06 21 » more
  • 07/06/2021 CLLS Joint Response CP 21 10 Investor protection measures for SPACs » more
  • 03/06/2021 CLLS response - Reform of taxation of securitisation companies 03 06 21 » more
  • 02/06/2021 SRA Professional Indemnity Insurance – Cyber Cover Consultation » more
  • 02/06/2021 CLLS Land law committee - Turnover Rent guidance note » more
  • 02/06/2021 CLLS Reg Law Comm - Final response to FCA consultation papers on IFPR 2 » more
  • 01/06/2021 CLLS TP Consultation 01 06 21 » more
  • 01/06/2021 CLLS Uncertain Tax Treatments 01 06 21 » more
  • 12/05/2021 CLLS Response to Consultation on requiring mandatory TCFD - 12 05 21 » more
  • 31/03/2021 CLLS Response to CJC Guideline Hourly Rates Consultation 31 03 2021 » more
  • 16/03/2021 CLLS LIBOR Working group response to HMT Consultation Safe Harbour » more
  • 12/03/2021 Regulatory Law Committee - Final response to HMT Call for Evidence on Overseas Framework » more
  • 11/03/2021 CLLS Company Law Committee - National Security Bill Committee response submission » more
  • 11/03/2021 CLLS Company Law Committee - written evidence - National Security and Investment Bill 2019-21 » more
  • 19/02/2021 City of London Law Society Land Law Committee Form of Rent Deposit Deed – created September 2020 with minor update February 2021 » more
  • 22/12/2020 CLLS Company LawTakeover Panel PCP 2020-1 » more
  • 15/12/2020 CLLS Company Law Committee - written evidence - National Security and Investment Bill 2019-21 » more
  • 15/12/2020 CLLS Company Law Committee - National Security Bill Committee response submission » more
  • 13/10/2020 CLLS STS call for evidence - 13 10 20 » more
  • 01/10/2020 CLLS PELC - Planning Changes letter 30 09 20 » more
  • 13/07/2016 LSEW-CLLS-Joint-Working-Party-Note-on-the-Execution-of-a-Document-Using-an-Electronic-Signature - 13 07 2016 » more
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